You would be amazed at the different number of shapes and sizes clouds come in. Scientists have split them into ten basic types though for easy recognisition.
The type depends on what the cloud looks like and where it forms in the sky. Cirrus clouds look like wisps of smoke. They form high in the troposphere and rarely men rain. Stratus clouds form in flat layers and may produce drizzle of a sprinkling of snow and appear as fog.
All types of cumulus clouds bring rain, some are huge cauliflower shapes and look soft and fluffy but would feel very soggy to touch. Cumulonimbus clouds gives heavy rain showers.
Sometimes the sky is filled with white patches of cloud that look like shimmering fish scales and these are known as Mackeral skies. It takes lots of gusty wind to break the cloud into these little patches, and are usually a sign of changeable weather.
But not all clouds are made by nature. Contrails are streaky clouds that a plane leaves behind it as it flies. They are made of water vapour that comes from the plane’s engine. The second it hits the cold air, the vapour turns into ice crystals and thus leaving a trail of white snow cloud.