A difficult decision for any new parent will be choosing the right name to suit your child, so here is the top ten list of most popular girls names in Wales for 2017.
1. Olivia – 294
2. Amelia – 230
3. Ava – 181
4. Isla – 179
5. Ella – 154
6. Emily – 136
7. Sophia – 133
8. Evie – 127
9. Mia – 124
10. Poppy – 122
Olivia, Amelia, Ava, Isla and Ella were the top five most popular names in Wales, according to the Office for National Statistics.
There are six new girls names that now appear in the top 100 list for girls and these include Aurora, Orla, Edith, Bonnie, Lyla and Hallie. These names have pushed out the names Lexi, Zoe, Maddison, Sarah, Felicity and Lydia.
There isn’t much regional changes of popular girls names throughout England and Wales, with Olivia coming top in every region.
The only place that Amelia didn’t come second in a region was the South West, whereby Isla took second place instead of fourth.
Some of the names that have declined include Ruby, Grace, Jessica and Chloe, which have been given to 50% less babies over the past 10 years.
For the first time ever the name Sarah dropped out of the top 100 most popular girls names since records began back in 1904. Whilst two new names entered the top 100, and they are Aurora and Hallie.