What makes a man perfect?

If you ask any woman what is the perfect man and we guarantee they’ll say there is no such thing and that true love is all about the chemistry between Mr and Mrs.

However, research done with over 2,000 British women has shown that there are some things all of them desire in a man.  So here’s a rundown of what the survey showed to be Mr. Perfect!

  • He owns an Audi car
  • Earns at least £48,000 a year
  • Eats meat
  • Is 6ft or more tall
  • Has short dark hair and brown eyes
  • Has a good dress sense
  • Is clean shaven and has a smooth, hair free chest
  • Has a sensitive side
  • Rings his mother regularly
  • Tells you he loves you when he means it
  • Will admit he looks at other women

So does you man meet the Mr. Perfect criteria?