Everyone’s body is put together using 25 different raw ingredients called Elements.
Although the human body is mainly made up of water, the cells consist of between 65 and 90% water by weight, there are other elements involved like Oxygen, Nitrogen, Hydrogen and Carbon which make up 96% of our body weight.
Oxygen – a generous amount of oxygen should be combined with hydrogen to make water. Freshly breathed in oxygen goes directly to cells to release energy.
Nitrogen – This makes a small contribution to the body, but nonetheless nitrogen is art of key molecules such as proteins and DNA.
Hydrogen – these atoms are needed inside every complex molecule including carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
Carbon – these atoms bond together in chains and form the “backbone” of most of the molecules inside and outside the body’s cells.
A breakdown of all of the elements and smaller atoms/molecules are listed below:
Oxygen 65%
Carbon 18%
Hydrogen 10%
Nitrogen 3%
Calcium 1.5%
Phosphorus 1.0%
Potassium 0.35%
Sulphur 0.25%
Sodium 0.15%
Chlorine 0.15%
Magnesium 0.05%
Iron 0.008%
Iodine 0.00004%
There are also trace amounts of Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Fluorine, Manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, Selenium, Silicon, Tin, Vanadium and Zinc!