The first Prime Minister of Great Britain was Sir Robert Walpole and he was born on 26th August 1676.
He was appointed head of the government in 1721 when he was 45 years old and he was the longest serving Prime Minister to hold office, which he did for 21 years.
He kept Britain out of many wars in Europe which consequently provided us with a period of stability. This ensured that the country’s economonic state thrived through the development of the agriculture and industry business.
Unfortunately, he was forced to declare war on Spain due to a trade dispute in 1739 (known as the War of Jenkins’ Ear). A number of Whig politicians opposed the way that Walpole conducted the war, and consequently a poor general election followed making his position even more unstable, so Sir Robert Walpole resigned in February 1742.
Later that same year he was appointed the Earl of Orford whereby he continued to be a great influence over King George II.
Walpole died on 18 March 1745, aged 69 years old.