Most Popular Girls Names in 2015

Always a big decision for new parents or parents-to-be is what to name your little bundle of joy and with so many influences from celebrities in film, tv and music to choose from, or following a tradition family name it’s a tough choice to make.

The most popular name for girls in 2015 is Amelia and this has remained the same since 2011.

Some new entries in 2015 to the Top 100 most popular girls names include, Mila, Clara, Arabella, Maddison and Aria, these have replaced the more traditional names of Lydia, Faith, Mollie, Isabel and Amy.

Aria has shown the most increase in preferred girls names jumping up from number 170 to 100 whereas Katie has decreased in popularity from number 77 to number 99.

Out of the 697,852 live births in Wales and England, 35,000 different girls names were registered in 2015 These names featured in the Top 100 listings and accounted for 43% of all girls born that year.

Olivia, Emily, Ella and Jessica featured in the Top 10 rankings in 2005 and 2015, making them continually appealing to new parents.

As for being influenced by TV and Film, this is reflected in animated films such as “Frozen”, which was one of the most popular children’s movies in recent times. Yet the name Elsa has recently seen a drop in popularity going from 537 girls being named Elsa in 2014 to just 190 in 2015.

However, on the flip side, the TV programme Doctor Who has certainly influenced new parents naming their little girls Clara. Having seen an increase in popularity in the use of the name Clara, 464 baby girls were registered in 2014, rising to 605 in 2015.

Florence and Elsie have both bounced back to popularity. In 1914 they were ranked number 6 and 7 repectively, but both fell outside the Top 100 in 1964. However, it now seems that these two names are becoming increasingly popular again and have re-entered the Top 100 listings. Florence having reached number 23, whilst Elsie has climbed to number 33 in 2015.

The most continually popular girl’s name to remain within the Top 100 in 1914, 1964 and 2015 is Elizabeth. This name currently sits at number 39.