Did you know that getting your children to school on time is a good habit and benefits your child for a lifetime.
Imagine that if you were late attending school by just 5 minutes every day, that that is the equivalent of over 3 days lost in the school year – that’s a lot of learning time for your child.
By being late by just 10 minutes every day for a year adds up to 31 hours – that’s over six full days of learning lost to your child!
Here are some more figures regarding how not being punctual can affect school attendance:
- 15 minutes late per day = over 9 days lost per school year;
- 20 minutes late per day = over 12 days lost per school year;
- 30 minutes late per day = over 13 days lost per school year;
100% attendance means zero days of learning being missed, which means that your child has a better chance of success.
Figures from local Council’s in the UK suggest that an unauthorised absences, such as holidays during school terms can also have a major impact on your child’s development and learning.
- 2 weeks of learning missed reduces your child’s attendance to under 95%;
- 4 weeks of learning missed reduces your child’s attendance to under 90%;
- 5 1/2 weeks of learning missed, takes your child’s attendance to under 86%;
- 7 1/2 weeks of learning missed, takes you child’s attendance to under 80%;
A very poor attendance record will and does have a significant impact on learning, not to mention you, as a parent, being at risk of receiving a penalty notice.
When you consider the average school year is just 190 days long, it really isn’t a lot of time to commit to ensuring your child has every chance of future success through learning during the school year. They will also learn important social and communication skills during this time.
Of course we all know that sickness can be a problem and it may be necessary for your child to be absent from school and that is acceptable.